Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Gift guide for mums

It is my mum's birthday this Friday (yay, another gift-giving stress) so I thought I'd put together another gift guide - again under £25, £50 and £100 - to give me a way of looking at all my 'research' and to possibly help others who are looking for a little inspiration. My mum is very much interested in beauty and fashion, so these choices do all tend to lean towards that kind of thing...

Under £25

Under £50

Under £100

As much as I am a fan of the birthday list (you get what you want and the present-giver can be happy in the knowledge that you're really going to love what you get - win-win), if you're up against the dreaded 'I don't know, surprise me' response, then I think the best gifts for mums are ones that they might not usually buy for themselves.

Whaddaya think? Would your mum be happy to unwrap one of these bad boys on her birthday?

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