Sunday, 21 July 2013

Men's Gift Guide

I have 3 VERY difficult men that I have to buy gifts for at least twice a year: my dad and two brothers. I don't know if all men are like this but they don't want ANYTHING. My dad and eldest brother generally just don't 'use' very many things and my other brother just buys himself anything he likes (and has very expensive taste). With all three birthdays and Fathers' Day within two months of each other, mid June-mid August are particularly stressful shopping times.

So, whilst I'm searching frantically online, I thought I'd create a little guide so I can see everything side by side and maybe even help others who are suffering with the same pain! Here's a selection, depending on your budget...

   Under £25

Gifts for men under £25

1) Jack Daniels  - easy gift that will always go down well.
2) Ted Baker socks - fail-safe option; people need socks and these ones are a party in all the right places.
3) Topman t-shirt - who doesn't want a t-shirt with a French Bulldog on?
4) Book - sure to make any foodies happy.
5) Scratch-off map - a nice way to document where you've been/where you have left to go and it doubles up as a poster!
6) iPad case - this is the ultimate nerd alert! If you know what this is, you should be as embarrassed as I currently am. However, if you have a Back to the Future fan in your life, and you're looking for a fun, thrifty present, then this is an absolute winner.
7) BBQ - all men love to barbecue, and this one folds up to nothing so that they can show these skills off wherever they go. And it's only £24.99. Amazing.

Under £50
Men's gift guide under £50

1) Hand wash and lotion - my brother has just moved into a new flat, and so this is a boring, but useful present.
2) Hip flask - secret drinking, but keepin' it classy.
3) Ted baker swimming shorts - hopefully there is still enough summer left to get your money's worth out of these.
4) Vans - a little bit of a cheat at £52, but it'd be worth skipping that latte for just one day.
5) Chocolates - one of those gifts that is secretly a little bit for yourself too. But hey, if you're spending that much on chocolate, you deserve the treat.
6) Spicebomb - because nobody likes a smelly man.
7) Hamper - who doesn't like a Fortnum's hamper? This is a great selection of condiments, teas and chocolate all for £50.

Under £100
Men's Gift Guide under £100

1) Ralph Lauren polo shirt - the men of my family absolutely bum polo shirts, and this one is fairly safe.
2) iPhone case - a swanky Mulberry case for a swanky phone which would look very smart to take to meetings and generally show off.
3) Cheese gift set - I really love the idea of giving food gifts as you can be pretty sure they will be used and they can be treats that people wouldn't usually buy for themselves. This one is just so amazingly excessive that it's hard not to love. 
4) Card Holder - Zegna is a big winner with my siblings so this is a nice simple gift, that you can't really go wrong with (i.e. no wrong sizing!)
5) Up by Jawbone - I personally REALLY want one of these, although I'm not sure how useful they could actually be. But for men who like gadgets, this one is pretty cool. 
6) Oud and Bergamot cologne - a nice smell in nice packaging = perfect present.
7) Hugo Boss tie - again, a tie is a useful gift and you don't have to worry about sizing. This one is tasteful/muted enough to feel sure that it will be welcomed into their wardrobe.
8) Shaving accessories - I just love how old-school and everyday-indulgent this gift is.

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