Monday, 8 July 2013

Review: Warner Bros. Studio Tour - The Making of Harry Potter

Today. Was. Amazing. I went to Warner Bros Studio for the Harry Potter tour and it was SO FUN. I will warn you now that this is about the nerdiest thing I will ever admit to, but just look at the excitement:

Anyway, I could fill this whole page with pictures I took of all the things on offer, but I feel like that would bore the pants off you all (and unleash far too much of my inner nerd). Instead, here are a few of the 'best bits':
(Hogwarts Great Hall, Hagrid, Gryffindor Common Room, Dumbledore's Office)

(Ministry of Magic Floo network, Knight Bus, 4 Privet Drive, The Burrow)

(Zonko's Joke Shop, Hogwarts model, Diagon Alley, Ollivander's)

It really does make for a great day out; plenty to see - particularly the Great Hall and Diagon Alley -, well organised, not too busy (although we may have been lucky with a weekday out of school holidays...) and even if you're not that big of a Harry Potter fan (my sister's knowledge was seriously lacking) it's a great experience to see actual movie sets/props/behind the scenes if you're a bit obsessed with films, like myself. 

The tickets are £29 for an adult and obviously they try and get you to spend money left, right and centre (I definitely didn't buy a photo of myself riding a broomstick...), but considering you can spend as long as you like wandering around the place, it really does seem good value for money. And you get to ride broomsticks in robes. There's also a chance to try Butterbeer (and a number of Starbucks outlets and a £5 hotdog on offer) and you can live out pretty much any Harry Potter fantasy you like in the ridiculously large gift shop at the end - I cannot imagine anywhere else in the world with more owl memorabilia - so you can really let your nerd flag fly.

All in all, I would definitely recommend the Harry Potter tour at Warner Bros. Studio and I'd be more than willing to tag along again.

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