Saturday, 20 July 2013

Vine & Bloglovin: make me laugh in six seconds please

I admit it, I can be pretty late to the party when it comes to social media, I mean, who starts a blog in 2013?! BUT, I have sought to resurrect that and, as soon as I sign myself up to something, I quickly become obsessed (I currently have 7 tabs open up on my computer, and each of them is some form of social media - now I just need some friends).

So, in celebration of reaching my first 1000 hits on my blog (woo!), I am happy to announce that I am now on Vine and Bloglovin', and here are my favourite Vines so far:

I LOVE Eric Stonestreet, so no apologies for putting him in twice - there are few characters as perfect as Cameron in Modern Family. I am, however, finding it difficult to create anything so good - there is so much pressure to do something impressive in those six seconds!

Anyway, lemme know if you're on either of these so I can give you a follow. Follow my blog with Bloglovin here, if you are so inclined, or get my Vine through my Twitter: @Lucy_J_Cross orrr, just send me over some recommendations of who to follow.

(Who remembers that Uncle Kracker classic by the way?! Absolute blast from the past)

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