Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Save the Dates

This may seem like a slightly odd post, seeing as how I'm not in any way close to getting married/don't have any events on the horizon, but hey, what is life without whimsy; I blame my newly rekindled Pinterest addiction... But anyway, for no apparent reason, I thought I'd compile a list of 'Save the Date' alternatives from the boring old flyers through the post. Some of these do come in on the pricier side, so wouldn't be suitable for an event with thousands of guests/a tight budget, but most could also work as an actual invitation or even as favours/gifts during an event.

Everyday items:

One great way to send your 'Save The Date' (I've seen this shortened to STDs around the Internet - if ever there was something that should not be made into an acronym that would be it) is to print it onto an everyday item that people are going to see/use all the time so that they are constantly reminded of the most important day of your life. There are plenty of options for this:


The complete other end of the spectrum is to put the date on something consumable as almost everybody enjoys sweets and alcohol. The risk here is that, as these things are meant to be eaten/drunk, the date will not be 'saved' at all, so it is advisable to send a card along with these, or at least a caveat that the recipient should make a note of the date, rather than it being forgotten almost instantaneously.


These are great as they require the recipient to really study your 'Save The Date' and are all pretty fun too. All of these need the 'user' to stare at them for prolonged amounts of time, so hopefully the date should sink in pretty quickly, but you may want to send along a card with all the information too, in case these prove a little too challenging...

Cheap and Cheerful:

These are great alternatives to a simple flyer for anyone on a budget. If you're going for a theme, then this could be the time to get creative and give people a bit of a heads up... The keyring here is a bit pricy, but you could just bulk buy plastic keyrings and use your own design. Or you could take your own creative, in no way cringe-worthy, Pinterest-inspired photo and send that out to your guests.

1 comment:

  1. These are so cute! My favorite is the last one :)

    AJ | TheAJMinute
