Thursday, 6 June 2013

101 in 1001

Ok, so, I've been wanting to start a blog for some time now and, having recently move to London in the hope of finding my dream job in Event Management and PR, I finally feel like I have enough going on in my life to want to document it and for it to be fairly interesting (well, maybe not so much the latter). However, the first post was definitely the most daunting, so this is a bit of a cop out. I saw this idea on a blog that I follow - Design Darling  - and I thought that it was a really good idea, as it would serve as a bit of a challenge to make me go out and do the things that I had been putting off and can serve as a source of inspiration for future blog posts. So, instead of any form of introduction or explanation about myself or my blog, here is a list of 101 things that I aim to achieve within the next 1001 days... 

Begins: 01/06/2013
Ends: 26/02/2016 (I think!)

86 to go!
  1. Make 101 list
  2. Read 20 books (3/20)
  3. Buy 20 albums (0/20)
  4. Host a dinner party
  5. Watch 25 films from Top 250 films that I haven't seen (0/25)
  6. Use a diary (for at least six months)
  7. Send at least 5 spontaneous gifts (1/5)
  8. Have fresh flowers in the flat for 3 months (not necessarily consecutive) (0/3)
  9. Watch a live TV recording 
  10. Donate to a food bank
  11. Sponsor a dog
  12. Go on a quiz show
  13. Get teeth whitened
  14. Send 5 handwritten cards (5/5)
  15. Finish decorating my flat
  16. Give to ten different people in the street (buskers/charity fundraisers etc.) (0/10)
  17. Fill a piggy bank 3 times (0/3)
  18. Put £10 into a Savings Account for every goal accomplished
  19. Buy 10 lottery tickets and 10 scratch cards (2/20)
  20. Host a brunch at my flat
  21. Have at least 10 pictures for my flat
  22. Go without 'bedtime TV' for at least a week
  23. Subscribe to 3 magazines I buy already
  24. Watch 5 foreign films and read 1 book (0/6)
  25. Create a financial plan and stick to it
  26. Watch a TV series from beginning to now
  27. Donate £10 for any challenges I don't complete, or £100 if I do all of them
  28. Take a cooking class
  29. Visit 50 restaurants (8/50)
  30. Visit 5 markets (0/5)
  31. Try 5 different spas (0/5)
  32. Try 10 new clubs (1/10)
  33. Try 20 new pubs/bars (1/10)
  34. Go to a gig
  35. Go to the beach
  36. Try 3 different afternoon teas (0/3)
  37. Go to the cinema at least 10 times (2/10)
  38. Attend Ascot
  39. Visit at least 5 museums/galleries (0/5)
  40. Go to a theme park
  41. Sing karaoke
  42. Go for a meal on my own
  43. Start a blog
  44. Have 200 twitter followers (71/200)
  45. Reach 1000 hits on my blog
  46. Set up an eBay shop for all the things in my parents' house that I don't want anymore
  47. Post 100 blog entries (35/100)
  48. Start to post on Pinterest and try 10 projects (1/10)
  49. Sync/back up my iPhone/iPad/MacBook
  50. Have a picnic or BBQ in Hyde Park
  51. Go to 5 London tourist attractions (0/5)
  52. Go ice skating at Somerset House or Rockefeller centre
  53. Discover three new-to-me areas of London (0/3)
  54. Go to Secret Cinema club
  55. Go to an Everton game in London
  56. See a West End show
  57. Visit at least 5 states (1/5) - Las Vegas, November 2013
  58. Visit 3 European cities (1/3) - Palma, June 2013
  59. Visit a city I've never been to in the UK - Bournemouth, July 2013
  60. Visit Asia
  61. Earn 50,000 Avios or Virgin flying club points and redeem for to the USA (2821/50,000)
  62. See Mount Rushmore/Crazy Horse
  63. Wine tasting in Napa or Champagne tasting in France
  64. See the Hollywood Sign
  65. Spend a weekend in a UK hotel - The Dorchester, December 2013
  66. Play roulette in Vegas
  67. Go on a holiday with friends
  68. Reach my ideal weight
  69. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week for 3 months
  70. Drink 2 litres of water a day for 2 months (not necessarily consecutive)
  71. Go for a run outside
  72. Try a yoga class
  73. Do 1001km at the gym (64/1001)
  74. Give up chocolate for a month
  75. Do fab ab February and continue the last step for a further month
  76. Be able to do the splits
  77. Work out with a personal trainer
  78. Go vegan for a week
  79. Go tee-total for 4 weeks (not necessarily consecutive) (1/4)
  80. Create a work portfolio
  81. Try a team sport
  82. Give up diet coke for a month
  83. Get a job with a dream company
  84. Produce at least one of my own 'public' events
  85. Create a pop-up experience
  86. Devise a proper business plan and put it into action 
  87. Create a video cover letter
  88. Compile a 'little black book' for events with information I already have and add to it
  89. Create an ideas/inspiration folder
  90. Carry out a professional course
  91. Earn £1000 separate from a salary (if/when that finally happens!) (175/1000)
  92. Learn to use Photoshop properly
  93. Learn to make 20 cocktails (0/20)
  94. Buy at least 3 cookbooks and try 30 recipes (0/30)
  95. Learn to arrange flowers
  96. Learn to make sushi
  97. Learn how to make banana bread
  98. Learn 100 words in Mandarin (0/100)
  99. Add 100 new words to my vocabulary (0/100)
  100. Learn to sew
  101. Make the next 101 in 1001 list!
I apologise for the text-heavy first post, so to make up for it, here is a picture of my amazing dog...


  1. good luck with your list! and your dog is very cute!

    1. Thank you - and good luck with yours too! Also, I love the hand-drawn version of you in your header!
