Sunday, 29 September 2013

Pick of the best scented candles

Now I'm a proper grown up, I love candles. That is pretty much how you can tell if you're a grown up... In fact, when you do the 'grown up' test, the questions go:

1) Q: What's the best thing about being an adult? A: Being able to go out and buy a burger and chips whenever you want without asking permission.

2) Q: What's the worst thing about being an adult? A: Washing, cleaning, tidying, using your own money to pay for boring stuff...

3) Q: Do you like scented candles? A: Yes

So yeh, I'd say I'm doing a preeeeeeetty good job at being a grown up...

Here's a pick of my favourites:


I think my main love of candles stems from the fact that they hide a multitude of sins; I figure as long as the room smells like flowers, then it doesn't matter about the mountain of washing and lack of cleaning that has taken place. That's how it works, right?!

These ones all smell amazing, and they make my flat feel nice and cosy as it starts to get colder (boo), so I would say that that is positives all round. 

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Review: Liberty Free Beauty Gift

Have you been into Liberty recently? They are giving away the BEST free gifts I think I've ever seen. OK so when I say free, you have to cough up a pretty hefty sum (£150) in the beauty department to qualify for it, but I managed to justify it by buying four Christmas presents that I had been eyeing up a week before anyway, and I figured that I could either use the entire thing as a fifth gift, or even split it up and make a few different gifts. Anyway, that's what I told myself...

But anyway, onto the gift itself. Inside the signature Liberty-print wash bag are 22
samples of their handpicked beauty favourites, including amazing cult products such as Eve Lom cleanser, Nars illuminator, Laura Mercier primer and a Dyptique candle. It's just crazy how good this gift is - take a look:

As well as the great products involved, one of the best things about the gift is how big the samples are. Apart from a bit of a teeny Hourglass lipgloss and Trish McEvoy perfume sample, the rest are all big enough to get numerous uses out of, and some things are even full-size, such as the Liberty body wash and the ESPA fitness oil. They claim that the entire thing is worth £300 and I can totally see how - the wash bag alone is worth £35!

If you're a bit of a beauty junkie, then I assure you that you will love this. If not, it would make a great birthday/Christmas present for somebody as it in no way looks like a free gift, or you could even split it up and make your own little gift sets! I have something special planned for mine that will be appearing on my blog in a few months. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving!

Unfortunately, they have all sold out online (I swear they were on there for less than 24 hours!), but they are still available in store so make sure you get there quickly as they're only there while stocks last! 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

What to do in London this weekend: 13th September

It seems like, nowadays, the only thing I write on here are 'Things To Do This Weekend' lists, which is very much a sign of the times: I'm knackered all week and wanting to fill my free time up with plenty of fun things.

So, here's my pick for this weekend:

Luna Cinema - OK, so there is nothing new here; outdoor cinemas, I seem to mention them every week. However, anywhere that is showing the Rocky Horror Picture Show in London has to be added to this list. And in the incredibly pretty/incongruous surrounding of Kew Gardens? Amazing! Be sure to sign up for Rocky Horror on Friday or Ghostbusters (another fave) on Sunday (sadly, Dirty Dancing has sold out on Saturday), before the weather becomes too awful that even the thought of sitting outside makes your nips freeze.

Hoxley & Porter - Halfway up Upper Street is Angel's latest watering-hole. This glamorous bar and restaurant, styled as a 'Victorian drinking den', serves up exotic cocktails and traditional food in a truly decadent surrounding. As an Angel-ite myself, I am VERY excited to witness the colour-changing, absinthe-soaked scorpion that garnishes the 'Whatever Doesn't Kill You' cocktail and soak up atmosphere in this rhino-headed, palm-treed opulent decor. @hoxleyandporter

London Edition Hotel - Having just opened up on Berners Street, this new kid on the block is bringing plenty of old-school glamour to the London hotel scene. The ultimate union of modern and vintage, this is definitely a must for any tourists or Londoners looking for a staycation. If you don't fancy splashing the cash for a room, why not try out the beautiful Berners Tavern, or The Punch Room - the cocktail bar with no bar, but all drink served on a silver tray. It's like being on the Titanic. But you can be fairly sure that your night won't be brought to a brisk end due to a rogue iceberg... @EDITIONHotels (make sure to check out the most beautiful instagram photos...)

Street Feast London - This has been a personal favourite of mine this summer, and yes, I have spoken about it before, but this is the last weekend you get to check out this Dalston pop-up culinary extravaganza. Bajan fishcakes? Yakitori skewers? Popcorn prawn burgers? This is street food done VERY right! And, entry is totally free. Wins all round. @StreetFeastLDN

(Delicious hoisin duck crepes at Street Feast)

Saturday, 7 September 2013

What to do in London this weekend: 6th September

There is SO much going on this weekend, it's cray cray. My inbox is positively overflowing with exciting activities and openings so without further ado, here is my pick of the best:

Blackout Banquet at Butler's Wharf - Starting tonight and running for the next ten days, 140 diners each night are treated to a completely alfresco (although there is a wet-weather contingency plan if the weather remains as pants as it has been today!|) feast at one abnormally large banqueting table. The best bit? At 8.30pm, all electric lighting is turned off, and diners are left to enjoy their treacle-cured salmon with just candlelight and the flow of Tower Bridge to aid them in seeing such culinary delights. The price of this once-in-a-lifetime experience? £35. Buy a ticket. Now.

Grill Shack - OK, so there are a lot of great breakfast and burger joints in London, but what makes this all day grill really stands out is the innovative take on service. You can either order from their app on your phone or at a self-service station in the restaurant (which also lends itself nicely to sending sneaky drinks to other tables...). What's more, if you're watching your figure or a (nuisance) pescatarian like myself, there are plenty of veggie/healthy options to choose from, which is a welcome break from these places that offer one type of burger or nowt.

Mario signs stuff - First things first, I adore video games, and none more than those in the Mario franchise. I blame my family and friends - my grandma completed Mario Bros. on the Nintendo NES at least ten times, and that is a conservative estimate. At uni, we would play MarioKart on the Wii at least once a day. Therefore, you can understand my unbelievable excitement at the prospect of meeting the big guy himself! That's right, this weekend Mario will be in Oxford Street's John Lewis. Or rather, the voice of Mario, Charles Martinet, will be, and he will also be signing autographs amongst all the fun and merriment of "competitions and games". I swear to god, this is the most exciting thing that has every happened in London. Ever.

Pop-up Ping Pong & Retro Arcade Games - Continuing the theme of nerdy video game obsession, I am VERY excited by Pop Up Ping Pong's upcoming event, which brings together some of my favourite things in life: table tennis, beer pong, drinking and vintage video games. Pac man, ping pong and piƱa coladas (possibly) all for £7?? YES. PLEASE.

Pop-up Screens presents Dirty Dancing- I had the best time last week at Future Cinema's Dirty Dancing After Party; those guys seriously put on an amazing event. And, seeing as how you can never have enough Patrick Swayze (it is scientifically impossible) I would definitely be up for watching this again tomorrow. And who doesn't like an outdoor cinema screen with a bar and gourmet popcorn? Nobody. Except agoraphobics maybe... But yes, definitely on my hit list this weekend.

I carried a watermelon...

Disappearing Dining Club; Back in 5 Minutes - I think secret hideouts are my favourite things about London. Ok, so most aren't so secret (I'm looking at you Mayor of Scaredy-Cat Town), but it's nice to think that we're one of the chosen few who know about something unbelievably good. Step up Back in 5 Minutes, a restaurant and private dining room hidden behind a clothes shop on Brick Lane. This amazing little nook in one of the busiest areas of London on a Saturday night is quietly serving up incredible 4 course meals and Grey Goose cocktails to those in the know.

Redemption Bar - Having ticked off everything on my weekend to-do list, you'll probably have a pretty stonking hangover. Don't worry, I have an answer for that too; an alcohol-free bar! On Sunday, make sure to head to this a pop-up that's going against the grain. But seriously, all your favourite cock mocktails, amazing food, a 360 degree view of London and a clear head for work on Monday morning. What's not to like?